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Current State of Cannabis: British Columbia Cannabis Laws

Posted by BK on 14th Feb 2018

British Columbia, like other Canadian provinces, has begun preparing for the legalization of cannabis in response to Canada’s Cannabis Act, which is expected to go into effect before July 2018. British Columbia’s cannabis policies were created after consultation with the general public and local and indigenous governments.

Submissions made during the consultation period showed a preference for:

•Legitimizing and regulating existing dispensaries

•Avoiding being subjected to second-hand cannabis smoke

•Consumption to be limited to private, indoor residences and designated spaces

These same submissions revealed polarizing views on cannabis’s impact on driving, with some urging zero tolerance for impaired driving and others saying there was no impact from cannabis consumption on driving. Many respondents urged the law to have an educational component out of concern for cannabis’s effect on brain development for those under 25 years of age.

Wholesale distribution of recreational marijuana in British Columbia will be controlled by BC Liquor Distribution Branch. Both public and private dispensaries will be allowed to sell cannabis in British Columbia. In order to legally buy pot in British Columbia, you will need to be at least 19 years old. You may only smoke it in areas where tobacco smoking is allowed.

Cannabis in British Columbia Highlights

Legal age: 19+

Possession: Up to 30 grams of dried cannabis

Home cultivation: Not yet determined

Public use: Only where tobacco smoking is permitted

Where to buy: Public and private dispensaries and online stores

Cannabis Labeling in British Columbia

Cannabis suppliers and private dispensaries in British Columbia will be subject to cannabis labeling and packaging regulations.

Cannabis Label Printers Now Available in Canada

DuraFast Label Company offers the leading brands of cannabis label printers to producers of all sizes. We can help you set up your own cannabis label printing station complete with a colour label printer, blank labels in a variety of shapes, sizes, and materials, replacement inks and toners, and label printing accessories. Contact DuraFast Label Company today to get started.